

P3 Theatre Company · Ages 18+ · United States of America

About the Show

A repressed nobody who thinks of himself as somebody. An addict. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf played out between hummingbirds. And a pussy eating dog. This is Wounded. Carrol could’ve been somebody, after all his book, The Crimson Valise, was made into a movie. Yet somehow Carrol’s unhealed past, and an aging mother, got in the way. On the other hand, Carrol’s classmate, Robert, was smart and driven. Went to one of the best private universities in the country on scholarship. But his damage led him down the path of addiction and eventually prison. In this darkest of comedies, the bleak paths our lives can lead us down are on full display.

CONTENT WARNING : There is graphic language used in this production

Production Team